Thursday, February 19, 2009


That we're still alive.

Today I gave little Nene's mop a trim. He was too, in his own words, "shaggy."

He bawled and protested the whole time. Don't look closely or you can really tell he wasn't holding still. He is now quite a little man. I both love and hate it. I let Nathan play in the shower to rinse off while I cleaned up the hair. Josh stayed in there with him to keep an eye on things. I could hear Josh saying, "Ne, your hair looks really handsome," and "Nene, you look great with your new haircut!" I just had to smile when I heard such kindness from a big brother.Here is Josh posing with his Darth Mal apple. Willie makes way cooler lunches than I do. Don't be too scared! Yes, Jake is wearing his scripture tote on his head. He came up with this fashion statement during sacrament meeting a couple Sundays ago. I was trying not to laugh and trying to get him to take it off. When I told him it was not polite to wear hats inside of buildings, he told me not to worry because it wasn't a was a wig.

I'd post a picture of myself to prove I'm still alive but then you'd wish we were both dead...You'll have to take the typing as proof.


Cynthia said...

Oh wow he does look big and VERY handsome!

Carol Swift said...

What a difference a hair cut makes! So cute! I've been missing you--you have been one of my inspirational blog writing people. Please come back--no one will require you to post pictures of yourself if you don't want to.

Katie said...

Love the haircut, but I feel your pain. He's definitely a big boy now! Oh, and Danielle and I were talking and we decided you're pregnant because you have fallen off the face of the earth with your blog. I hope you're feeling well if we are right. =)

Lindsay said...

Good to see you're still alive and well! Why do some kids resist having their hair cut?? He looks so much older! I know what you mean how you both love and hate it. Sandler needs a haircut, but I'm afraid that he'll look too much like a "big boy".

Nat Lud said...

Love a new post! He is getting so big!

Ron said...

Great pics. I laughed when I saw the rice maker on the kitchen counter in the back ground.(not that I was checking out your house or anything). "They grow up so fast" really is true!!